Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Hear Me Now, But Belieeeeve Me Latuh!!!!

Who remembers the SNL skit Hanz and Franz?  Well, I am back at it.  For those of you that have known me for a while, you know that I am a bit large for my size.  "I swallow a lot of aggression,  along with a lot of pizzas, ha ha PIZZAS!!" (I miss John Candy).  I have yo-yo'ed quite a bit over the last decade or so, did a pretty good job last year until my honeymoon (damn those cruise ship buffet lines!), but since then gained about half what I lost back.  So with the new year comes a new resolve to get back to the gym.  It's not a "new" resolution, as I have been a regular in the gym for quite a while, it is the regularity that slowed down.  I am guilty of using any excuse not to go to the gym, "I need to go to the bank", "I have to run this errand", "It's Tuesday", you get the idea.

Me Close to my Heaviest , at Corey's Graduation.

I always look for encouragement, and this time I found a blog named "www.bendoeslife.com" that has been interesting to read.  I recommend you take a look, his journey has been intense and inspirational.  So I will periodically be giving you all (again, my 2 followers) updates, as Ben says going public makes you more accountable.  Now Ben is a runner, not me, I only run if someone is chasing me, so I have been the guy on the stationary bike or elliptical.  I feel bad for the machines, they didn't do anything, and then this behemoth jumps on and starts going crazy.  The girl that takes care of the gym here at work comes out and oils the machines when I am using them, I think oil is futile, the machines aren't squeaking, they are SCREAMING!!

High School Senior 1986
High School Football

I was in shape in high school, got a football scholarship, we had a healthy (meaning large and calorie filled) training table to eat from.  I hurt my knee that first year, and that was it for my playing days, but I kept eating like I was still playing.  That has always been my downfall.  I am addicted to food, I really like it, and what sucks is unlike addictions to other substances such as alcohol or drugs, food is a necessity.  I try hard to control what I eat, and that is the struggle, but I will figure it out.  Don't get me wrong, I am still in shape, it's just the shape of a pear!  I am out to bury the stereotype, I was the jock, football capitan, that is now the fat guy, but I can change that.  I will keep you posted.

On My Bike, Thinner times around 2004.
Me Christmas 2010, going for the Homeless look.

So if you have words of encouragement, I will take them, I need all the help I can get.



  1. How about . . . get off your sorry underclassman ass and try not to get the weights tangled in your skirt.

  2. How did you see that, I didn't post that picture!!
